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House of Lords (UK) Report on Cannabis for Medical Purposes
Nov. 4, 1998
November 1998 report of Science and Technology Committee Comprehensive, with eye-opening recommendations
N/A [get adobe acrobat (PDF) reader]
TOC | Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | App




  The following witnesses gave evidence. Those marked * gave oral evidence. Those marked ** gave written evidence which is not printed, but is available for inspection at the House of Lords Record Office (0171-219 5316):

**  Academy of Medical Sciences (with Royal Society)
**  Advisory Council on Misuse of Drugs
**  Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics
**  Anonymous
**  Professor Heather Ashton
**  Association of Chief Police Officers
**  Dr Anthony Blowers, Surrey's Drug Action Team
**  Mary Brett, Dr Challoner's Grammar School (Boys), Amersham
**  British Medical Association
**  J Brown
**  Christian Institute
**  S Cooke
**  David Copestake
**  Dr Angela Coutts, University of Aberdeen
**  Department of Complementary Medicine, University of Exeter
**  R Creasey
**  P Davidson
**  M Davies
**  S Day
**  Department of Health
**  Dutch National Institute of Public Health and the Environment
**  Evangelical Coalition on Drugs Executive Committee
**  C Fell
**  Forensic Science Service
**  L Gibson
**  Professor Keith Green, Medical College of Georgia, USA
**  Dr Geoffrey Guy
**  Professor Wayne Hall, Executive Director, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Australia
**  Professor John Henry, Imperial College School of Medicine (on behalf of Royal College of Pathologists)
**  Dr Anita Holdcroft, Imperial College School of Medicine
**  Home Office
**  M Humphreys
**  Independent Drug Monitoring Unit
**  Institute for the Study of Drug Dependence
**  International Drug Strategy Institute
**  Edward H Jurith
**  Dr David Kendall, University of Nottingham Medical School
**  Dr David Lambert
**  D Lewis
**  London Medical Marijuana Support Group
**  Medical Research Council
**  Medicines Control Agency
**  Dr Tod H Mikuriya
**  Austin Mitchell MP
**  Mr Neil Montgomery
**  Multiple Sclerosis Society
**  National Addiction Centre
**  National Drug Prevention Alliance
**  NHS National Teratology Information Service
**  Dr William Notcutt
**  Professor David Nutt, University of Bristol
**  Dr Roger Pertwee
**  A Phillipson
**  P Rigby
**  Dr Philip Robson
**  E Rorison
**  Royal College of General Practitioners
**  Royal College of Pathologists
**  Royal College of Psychiatrists
**  Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
**  Royal Society
**  J Sayers
**  Dr Fred Schon, Mayday Hospital Croydon and St George's Hospital
**  Dr P Shaw
**  Councillor C Simpson, Aberystwyth
**  L Standen
**  Dr Colin Stewart, Dundee Limb Fitting Centre
**  G Vincent
**  Young Christian Democrats